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My 6 week transformation challenge

Back in June 2016 I was going through the motions of training not really training to get anywhere or have any goal which is never a good thing but I fell into that trap like many other gym goers. Im sure a lot of you can relate.

I have always been the personal trainer to show that if I can do it then you can do it, I have ran marathons I have competed in different sports and I have managed to gain muscle going from a small 8 stone 20 year old to a now 11 stone 8 pounds.

So transformation time kicked in, I was not in the best shape I have been in as you can see from my before photo’s little bloated and soft.

Below is how I trained, my diet, and my journey.

The diet.

As we all now getting great results is mainly down to dieting, my diet has never been the best in fact you can say that it was pretty bad! First things first this was my priority.

Calculating your macronutrients is one key thing if you really want to ensure your results stay on track. Now to the normal person a lot of people don’t know what that is, well whatever your goal you can tailor your macronutrients to it, whether it be lose body fat, maintain or build muscle and that is the case for both men and women.

A really simple way of working out your macros is using a macro calculator, there are many you can find on the internet and there all pretty easy to use. Here is the one which I used if you want to give it a go.

Here is how I regulated my diet over the 6 weeks

Week one to week four


Week five to week six


So as you can see the diet was regulated by these values, simply looking at what foods I was taking in and ensuring I got the amounts which my macronutrients allowed me.

Now here is the problem I ran into, im a vegetarian and getting that much protein in a day was always going to be a challenge. I had been using a product called “huel” which is a Vegan natural product which is very high in protein per serving, Huel came to my rescue as a lot of protein shakes contain a lot of sugar and unwanted carbs. I recommend if you are struggling with your diet check out Huel. It does take a while to get used to, I mainly did two shakes during the day with four scoops in them and then worked out a meal in the evening sticking to what I had left in my macros.

Now I won’t lie my results would have been better if I had cut out alcohol for the 6 weeks but that was hard as I had a lot of social events during the time, the great thing is though people you can still get great results and treat yourself once a week in moderation.

The training

Leading up to the 6 week challenge as I said early I was going through the motions with training, not very planned and very random. Which in some ways is not that bad when you are lacking motivation doing new things and mixing it up can help. For myself the way I needed to motivate myself was through having a detailed plan for the whole 6 weeks.

Week 1

Monday - chest and triceps

Incline dumbbell press 5 sets 6 reps

Superset with incline fly’s 4 sets 8 reps

Cable standing fly’s 4 sets 6 reps

Flat bench press barbell 5 sets 6 reps

Tricep tri set 3 rounds 6 reps on each performed one after the other with a break after dips

Cable rope extensions

Single arm reverse tricep extensions

Tricep dips

Tuesday – back and biceps

Wide grip weighted chin ups superset with barbell rows wide grip 5 sets 6 reps

Closed grip weighted chin ups superset with closed grip barbell rows 5 sets of 6 reps

Barbell shrugs superset with high pulley rows 5 sets 6 reps

Bicep tri set 3 rounds 6 reps on each performed one after the other with a break after dumbbell curls

Cable rope curls

TRX bicep curls

Dumbbell curls

Wednesday - quad, hamstrings and calves

Front barbell squats superset with static lunge 5 sets 6 reps

Stiff legged deadlifts superset with kettlebell swings 5 sets 6 reps

Calf raises on leg press 5 sets 6 reps

10 minutes HIIT training on rower 20 secs sprint 20 secs recovery

Thursday – Shoulders and abs

Arnold press 4 sets 6 reps

Frontal raises super set with prone fly’s 4 sets 6 reps

Later raises 4 sets 6 reps

RMT club single arm swings super set with Barbell shoulder press 3 sets 6 reps

TRX pikes superset with TRX single leg tucks

Cable standing pivot point 3 sets 6 reps each side


Teach my regular spin class 45 mins


HIIT training mixture of boxing, skill mill sprints, rowing sprints, battle rope, skipping. 40 mins



This was then cycled over 6 weeks with rep ranges changing as follows

Week 2

Rep range changed to reps of 12 nothing else changed structure still stayed.

Week 3

Rep range went to pyramids sets of 5 went to 15, 12, 10, 8, 6,

Week 4

Was a test to see how much strength I had gained, I went back to the first cycle of rep range of 6.

On most areas I had increased by nearly 4%

Week 5

Rep range went back to 12

Week 6

Rep range went to pyramids again. 15,12,10,8,6 on sets of 4 rep range was 15,12,10,8

Here is how the results panned out over the 6 weeks, I used boditrax machine in the gym to measure.

Week 1

76k weight

13.3% body fat

63.3k muscle mass

Week 2

74.7k weight

12.3% body fat

63.2k muscle mass

Week 3

75.3k weight

11.6% body fat

63.6k muscle mass

Week 4

77.4k weight

11.5% body fat

64k muscle mass

Week 5

76.5k weight

11% body fat

64.1k muscle mass

Week 6

75.5k weight

10.5% body fat

64.3k muscle mass

These results are not 100% but the transformation challenge was about aesthetics, when start and undertake exercise to change the way you look and make you more confident ensure to always go by photos and measurements and not the scales.

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