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4 tips to a flat stomach

We all want that flat toned stomach but what does it actually take to get that ?

Is doing hundreds and hundreds crunches going to work for me ?

Simple answer is everyone has a 6 pack of muscle its just have you got a layer of excess fat over it ?

Here are 4 tips to help you work towards that flat stomach

Core stability

We can sit and do crunches on the floor till we cant crunch no more but will it get us that flat stomach? NO !!!

When training your stomach ensure you train your whole core not just your Rectus abdominal's.

Include more full body movements like squats and deadlifts which workout your abs twice as much as doing crunches,


People will say certain machines are better for losing belly fat!! All cardio is good for this, it is more about the type of cardio training you do. For optimal fat burning try HIIT training ( high intensity interval training). This will help you continue to burn calories for longer after you finish training.


Staying motivated to do a routine is hard, combat this by mixing up your core workout and doing something new to challenge your stability each session. remember keep it fun you will stick to things that you enjoy!


We have all heard trainers say that the key to a flat stomach is nutrition! That is because that is right!! If your calorie consumption is to high you will always be storing to excess calories as FAT !

Workout your total calorie consumption with your trainer.

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